Lets Talk - DARE Caledon

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Language of Depression

DARE Caledon
Published by in Helpful Tips · 6 February 2018
Tags: Depression
If you met someone who was quiet most of the time would you think they are depressed?  If you met someone who rarely made eye-contact would you think they are depressed?  If someone constantly used darker terms in their everyday descriptions of events in their lives would you wonder...Is the person I'm talking to depressed?

The more important question is if you met someone who was depressed would you even know how to help?

I have been in these situations many times and I always start by just listening.  Even when someone has very little to say and doesn't answer your questions you know something is going on.  When I was 17 I met a guy who introduced me to his girlfriend. His girlfriend was shy & reserved. When we were in the presence of a group of friends, his girlfriend remained out of her boyfriends sight whenever he was loud.  I did not know what I was looking at but later when I learned that she was a victim of his verbal and physical abuse I was appauled.  I was appauled that I did nothing and I knew nothing about it.  I thought I was smart but I realize how little I know about reading body language.  

Drug addiction and even drug use is someone similar to depression.  There are signs that one can spot but the evidence is definately in proper testing.  If you notice that your child or a loved one is exhibiting moodiness, sadness or any change to their emotional state take the first step described above...just listen.  Talk to them more and ask how they're doing.  It may be some other situation causing the change but regardless, get involved in being part of the solution.

We will have lots of tips to share but for now.  Start things of simple.  Today and at least 2 other days this week, ask someone you love how they are doing?  What was the highlight of their day and what was the lowest point of the week?  It's amazing how conversation can lead to deeper connections.

Visit us in a couple of days when we post the next article of interest.

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