Lets Talk - DARE Caledon

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How To Talk To Your Kids About Drugs

DARE Caledon
Published by in Helpful Tips · 6 February 2018
Tags: HowtotalktokidsaboutdrugsDrugsKidsParents&drugs
How To Talk To Your Kids About Drugs
Intro by Munish Joshi
It's not easy being a parent.  There's no manual and so many things looking back one could do differently.  I'm writing this intro to let people know even if your child or a loved one you know already is abusing drugs or alcohol the same strategies apply.  We here at DARE are working to help get more kids into the DARE program so they can learn how to deal with situations where they encounter drugs.

Tell your children that you love them and you want them to be happy and healthy.  Say that you do not find alcohol and other illegal drug use acceptable.  Many parents fail to state this simple fact. Explain that drug use  hurts people. It can cause AIDS, impaired coordination, slowed growth,  and emotional harm such as feelings of isolation or paranoia. It is also  important to discuss the legal issues associated with drug and alcohol  use because a conviction for a drug offense can lead to prison, loss of a  job or college loan. Talk about positive, drug-free alternatives and  explore them together. Some possibilities may include sports, reading,  movies, bike rides, hikes, camping and games.

Approach your children calmly and openly and do not exaggerate.  Talk face to face. Try to understand each other’s point of view. Be an  active listener and let your child talk about fears and concerns while  not interrupting or preaching. Establish an ongoing conversation rather  than giving a one-time speech. It is also important that you set an  example and avoid contradictions between your words and actions. To help  your child deal with peer pressure, act out various situations in which  one tries to convince the other to take drugs and come up with at least  two ways to handle each situation.

As parents, be alert to changes in your child’s mood.  Drug use may cause your child to become more irritable, secretive,  withdrawn, overly sensitive, or inappropriately angry. In addition, your  child may become less responsible by not going to school or coming home  late. Watch for changes in friends or lifestyles. Physically, drugs may  cause your child to concentrate less, lose coordination, weight and  create an unhealthy appearance.   

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